Family trees

german version

On this website you find family histories (left menu) of the descendants of Tobias Herz (Oberdreis, Puderbach), but also from in-laws such as descendants of Joseph Moses Kronenthal (Wienau, Dierdorf), Nehm Oestreich (Langstadt, Babenhausen) and Simon Gärtner (Forst/Eifel). The family trees will give an overview.

Most of the stories had to be put together again in laboriously detail work. Many lives had not only been physically wiped out by the Nazis, but also the memory of these people had been suppressed systematically. The grandchild generation today is on a good way – not least because of the Stolperstein-project by Gunter Demnig –, to bring an almost lost part of (their) history back in their middle and give them back their names.

Tobias descendants from Germany and the United States gathering 170 years after the family name Tobias was invented in Oberdreis near Puderbach. Photo: Daniela Tobias, July 2016.
Tobias descendants from Germany and the United States gathering 170 years after the family name Tobias was invented in Oberdreis near Puderbach. Photo: Daniela Tobias, July 2016.